Friday, August 1, 2014

Search teams, private helicopters look for Jennifer Huston
MCMINNVILLE, Ore. – Search and rescue teams gathered in McMinnville on Wednesday to begin searching Yamhill County for a missing Dundee mother who has not been seen since Thursday.
Newberg-Dundee police and the Yamhill County sheriff’s office coordinated the official search for Jennifer Huston. Crews looked for Jennifer Huston at lookout spots, hiking trails, the Willamette River, other bodies of water and anywhere else she may have gone to "get away," according to police. Crews scoured 50 square miles of rural roads of the Northeast part of Yamill County. Others searched the Willamette River. That search didn't turn up any new clues.
Private donations also paid for three helicopters to search for Huston from the air on Wednesday, according to Huston's husband, Kallan.
In a text message to KATU News reporter Hillary Lake on Wednesday night, Kallan Huston said:
"I appreciate your support in keeping her face in the news. After having 3 helicopters in the air today, we have covered a fairly large area. Unfortunately with no sign of Jennifer. Tomorrow morning we will be regrouping and coordinating new search efforts in new areas. Possibly different means of searching as well...We want to continue to encourage people to help us locate her Green Lexus SUV. Also, my family, and I are very appreciative of all the support and donations we have received. We are putting it all to good use."
Huston's father, Bill Turner, said family and friends organized a search of the Willamette River on Monday evening. Turner said they focused on areas Huston often spent time, including the banks along Champoeg State Park in Newberg.
Huston's family insisted she would never intentionally vanish from contact.
There is no evidence of foul play, according to the official police statement Tuesday night.
Huston was driving a green 1999 Lexus SUV with Oregon license WXH-011. Police say there is a U-shaped crack in the windshield on the passenger side and a Yakima Ski Rack mounted on the roof.
Police released new details about the search for Huston on Tuesday night. Detectives said Huston bought items at a Rite-Aid drug store shortly after withdrawing less than $100 from an ATM and filling her SUV with gas.
Huston bought Gatorade, trail mix and a package of over-the-counter sleeping pills, according to police. Newberg Police Captain Jeff Kosmicki said the dose of pills Huston purchased was "non-lethal."
Police also said Huston's husband, Kallen, passed a polygraph and continues to be cooperative with detectives.
Police are also planning to search the Northwest part of Yamhill County on Thursday.

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