Monday, June 11, 2012

Calpine Skeletal remains found in 2003 Identified by D.N.A. of Eureka Woman Missing Since 1998
Calpine Skeletal remains found in 2003 Identified by D.N.A. of Eureka Woman Missing Since 1998Published on Jun 2, 2012 - 10:01:00 AM
 ·  ·  ·  · June 3 at 1:53am
  • Tracey Reitterer and Sam Gipson like this.
    • Sue Garcia at least now the family will have closure & can bring her home. so sad it took so long
      June 3 at 2:00am ·  · 1
    • Sam Gipson Real closure, will arrivew after the suspect(s) are arrested and charged.
      18 hours ago ·  · 1
    • Judy Rollins Hoschar If you want .. I can also add you to my Blogger page. all you need is a google account and I can let you in. need all the help I can get there also. running 3 at once isnt an easy task ..
      18 hours ago · 
    • Judy Rollins Hoschar Sue ? what happened to the System that it takes that many years to find a loved one ?? I think Its about time we all made some NOISE !!!!
      18 hours ago · 
    • Tracey Reitterer A young girl missing from MD back in 1980, was actually found as a Jane Doe in 1982, but it took just getting her family's DNA into the system 2 years ago to get a match on her, after 30 years. And that's only because someone thought to provide her name as a possible match to the Doe's stats. One would think with DNA technology, investigators would be tracking down families of missing persons cold cases like crazy to get some of these thousands of people identified, but obviously priorities are not in order in this country :(
      13 hours ago · 
    • Judy Rollins Hoschar holy smokes Tracey .. then maybe we need that option on our drivers license.! 30 years ?? and all because of dna ?? well no wonder they cant be found. there lost in the SYSTEM !! wonder If there's someone we can write to about offering our DNA for that very reason ?? just think of the time it would save by doing that .. they could Identify just by computer. ask around, I'll check the Web. maybe that's a good start .. I didn't know any of this. WOW ! we have a 1970-72 case here. and there still unsure about the body .. she was murdered but her body was never found. with DNA from the family's even finding a bone could be Identified. you really have something there !
      9 hours ago · 
    • Tracey Reitterer Judy, there are so many people in this country that are (still in this day & age) unaware of what to do when someone they love goes missing, or families of older missing persons cases that are not aware of providing DNA to the proper authorities. I would bet if Obama would come out in a Presidential address and talk about the DNA inititive and how families should come forward to get theirs on file for potential matches with some of these thousands of Jane & John Doe's across this country, we wouldn't have so many unidentified people across the US. And more $ is needed to fund testing labs for this purpose, instead of all the wasteful spending that goes on in this country everyday. Its all about "priorities".

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