Monday, October 22, 2012

ALISSA DID MATTER! Prosecutor Jeff Wible and Judge J Scott VanDerbeck's actions showed that they didn't think so. Releasing her murderer in 77 DAYS showed us that Alissa did not matter to them. We are here to make sure Christy Shaffer pays for what she did to this beautiful child. We are here to say that SHE DID MATTER! ALISSA'S ARMY WILL NOT STOP UNTIL JUSTICE IS DONE!


Prosecutor Jeff Wible and Judge J Scott VanDerbeck's actions...See More

  • Kelly Donohue What Happened To This Baby Is So Horrific..The Low Life Bitch That Did This Needs To Be In Prison.But Better Still She Should Be Put To Death..This Child Went Thru Hell at The Hands Of This Evil Bitch & Justice Is Not Being Served The Judge & The Attorney Both Should Be Asked To Step Down .& This Childs Grandfather Is Just As Evil As His Daughter The MURDERER Of This Innocent Baby Alissa..
    4 hours ago via mobile · Unlike · 1
  • Genetta Browning Coleman I think they should do the same to her, everyday, over and over. But I also think they should put her ina cell with no windows, dont ever let her out, and play videos of this little angel around the clock.
    4 hours ago · Unlike · 1
  • Kelly Donohue Hell Thats TO GOOD For THE BITCH G.This Story Stays With ME All The Time. How Someone Could Do This To A Baby Just BLOWS MY MIND.. To Have That Much HATE INSIDE OF YOU FOR A CHILD,A Child That Is Of Your Own FLESH & BLOOD.I Say This EVIL PSYCHO BITCH Be PUT TO DEATH & Tomorrow Isnt Soon Enough.. The Only Comfort Out Of This Is That Baby Alisson Isnt Suffering Anymore..
  • Kelly Donohue SORRY BABY ALISSA I Got Ahead Of Myself It Just Makes Me Sick That This MONSTER Is Out There WALKING AROUND & This BABY ALISSA Is DEAD..

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