Wednesday, June 27, 2012

 ·  ·  ·  · 22 hours ago
  • DeDe KeeneChristina Sleeth and 2 others like this.
    • Judy Rollins Hoschar I did post this one .. sure never thought anyone would care tho .. glad there`s a few on there that did ... but what the hay ?? the story`s to short. guess asking for help on there wasnt much help !
      21 hours ago · Edited · 
    • Bob Messer Judy, did they run the show, and when?
      15 hours ago · 
    • Judy Rollins Hoschar not that I know of Jamie .. They e-mailed they needed more information from the family that I couldnt provide. If I remember right I did tell a family member what the e-mail asked for. but that was just when we were making progress and they aired Jeff as a POI. I can e-mail them again If you want. and when I do get the reply. I'll be sure and add that here. somewhere in my messages I have there reply from the first one. give me a sec. and I'll see If I can find and post that,
      14 hours ago · 
    • Judy Rollins Hoschar ‎. Dear Viewer: Thank you for writing to America's Most Wanted. We know you would like a response as soon as possible; however, America's Most Wanted only accepts requests for stories or segments through the mail. Please send your request to: America's Most Wanted P.O. Box Crime TVWashington, DC 20016 Please send a concise letter regarding the occurrence, a photograph of the victim and suspect, any newspaper clippings, police reports and the name and phone number of the detective investigating this case. All material sent to the producers will not be returned. If you cannot provide this information to the producers, please give this to the victim's family or the detective investigating this crime. We are glad to hear that you support our mission, and remain an avid viewer of America's Most Wanted. Be sure to watch AMW when we move to our new night and new network! We will begin airing new episodes weekly starting Friday December 16, 2011 on Lifetime at 9pm EST. Please check your local cable listings. If you do not have Lifetime please contact your cable provider. AMW does its best to apprehend criminals, locate missing children and solve even the toughest crimes. Our show provides the information, but it’s viewers like you who do the real job. Sincerely, Operator 1234 ...
      14 hours ago · 
    • Judy Rollins Hoschar Thats my reply from them Jamie .. so yes. we are trying .. and trying hard. I'll reread all this Topix stuff.. never know, might be some truth there. and I soo need the people to start talking here ! not me bringing topix to our page .. never did approve of that site. called it the devils domain. and here I am. gettin down with the devil. I feel like a heel !
      14 hours ago · 
    • Jessica Litchfield Judy do you know if any of the family sent in the info? This would be a great way of maybe start moving things in the right direction finally. I read the email and they aren't asking for info. from any officers only the investigating officers name so wouldn't really need the police's permission for this I understood..which I could be wrong but just seen on the topixs post someone was asking if the police would allow the info to be sent in
      14 hours ago via mobile · 
    • Judy Rollins Hoschar Im not proof positive .. I felt so sorry for them it wasnt funny. I did send them the reply. I was getting the Impression that they felt they were begging people !! If I remember right, I think I even told them that. Heck Fire ! they were the One Man Band !! and girl. I sure know how that feels .. And ! as for our LE No they dont need them. all they need is the Investigating Officers report and the other answers thats posted .. great minds. I was about to ask Bob and Jamie the same question. If they know all about Tonda .. thats awesome !!! that would really get AMW's attention .. but heres the catch that worries me. With the News reporting his as a POI. would that change things ???
      13 hours ago · 
    • Jessica Litchfield I really don't see how it would I mean if they got the officers report and I'm pretty sure that they would talk to the families of all involved and I really doubt it if they would form their opinion and their help on the sole basis of him being a poi and what the news reports. I mean he may be a poi but he's still yet a missing person and this would be an excellent way of getting his face out there and also everything else that is messed up about this incident and it may just draw enough attention that our police force would be forced to allow outside help in..but this is just my opinion and I could be wrong but if it was my loved one or i had all the info. this is the route I'd be taking!! Really hope someone does this, I mean really what could it possibly hurt u know
      13 hours ago via mobile · 
    • Judy Rollins Hoschar Im feelin yea. I was making a note of that .. I only talk to Jill on here. Sheila and Buddy .. well. I really cant say as I blame them. thats their son thats not being seen. Its bad enough the families had to deal with the loss of the girls. and for the news to blame their son ?? now thats cruel ! I always heard Innocent until proven guilty .. not called guilty. I do know they are always trying .. and one day their really gonna do this town proud when they get their Billboard. this town has gotten away with taking our loved ones lives way to long ! as I joked with Jill one day. we'd need a barn to have enough room for all our missing. and yea know something Jess. It's probably gonna blow lots of minds when the truth does come out. personally .. I still think our LE knows all. but the mess our towns in, why do that now. Im still puttin my money on our new Sheriff. bet the ball rolls then !
      12 hours ago · 
    • Jamie Nicole Hager-Messer I will help in anyway i can..judy u need to call me 304 964 9460...about 2ish tomorrow..i will expalin what and who tonda is to it soo complicated and i could really help..u..i want justice for not only tonda and ashley but for jeff too! Im up all night reading ur pg..looking at topix searching names,calling ppl ext..see i used to live in mason co myself and was a if ur up now..k
      11 hours ago via mobile ·  · 1
    • Jessica Litchfield They don't have to blame Jeff I don't blame Jeff i really think that theres no way he could have done this just report him as a missing person to them u kno AMW may say he is a poi of the police and news but like u said just BC they say it doesn't mean it's true and he's guilty

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