Just think of the amount of mail that passes around the world during the holiday season with Thanksgiving cards, Christmas Cards and the once a year correspo...
Our focus is to get people involved and perhaps ultimately generate new leads and public interest. You may, unknowingly, have some crucial information to a currently unsolved crime or missing persons case. If you have any information about any of the missing person cases please contact http://www.crimestoppersusa.com
Shelva Jean Conrad Rafte, missing since May 29,2006 from Pittston,Pa. She was 43 at the time. Left her daughter's College Graduation Party held at Joanne Decker's (Shelva's sister) home in Nicholson,Pa. with a old boyfriend.He said they drove from Nicholson,Pa.to Pittston to his home, they had a fight and she left walking to her apartment in the same town. app 1 1/2 miles away at 1:00 in the morning. Shelva's Family have never heard from her in over 5 years. We believe something bad has happened to her. She was depressed.Please contact Joanne Decker at hairzoo@comcast.net with any info that would help find our beloved sister or info about that night