Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Jody Lynn Brant
Missing since May 27, 1994 from Lawrencville, Gwinnett County, Georgia.
Classification: Endangered Missing


Vital Statistics
•Date Of Birth: February 16, 1978
•Age at Time of Disappearance: 16 years old
•Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 5'3"; 122 lbs.
•Distinguishing Characteristics: White female. Blonde hair; hazel eyes.
•Marks, Scars, Tattoos: Tattoo of initials "J.B." between thumb and index finger, tattoo of a Cross, with light radiating around it, on inside of left ankle.


Circumstances of Disappearance
Brant, left home alone the night of May 27, she was traveling alone from Georgia to visit cousins living in the Pontiac, Michigan, where she grew up.

She called her family and indicated she was lost somewhere in Ohio - possibly around Toledo, and was given directions. She left a message with one of her friends on the answering machine around 18.00, that she was in Pontiac and she was OK. She may have been forced to make that last call.

Her vehicle, a 1987 Ford Escort, was located two days later in Monroe County southwest of Detroit about four miles from I-75, it was burned.

Brant had bought the second-hand car with money from her fast-food job. She was in no difficulty at home and her family had no reason to believe anything would happen.


If you have any information concerning this case, please contact:

Michigan State Police

NCIC Number: M-740030513
Please refer to this number when contacting any agency with information regarding this case

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