Saturday, September 1, 2012

urgent help all pleaseI'm coming out everyone. Doesn't that sound very exciting. It's not really but all of you who are my friends on facebook and beyond might

urgent help all pleaseI'm coming out everyone. Doesn't that sound very exciting. It's not really but all of you who are my friends on facebook and beyond might ...Woman searching for her family...
urgent help all pleaseI'm coming out everyone. Doesn't that sound very exciting. It's not really but all of you who are my friends on facebook and beyond might be able to help me out. All of you will know that I turned 40 last week and some of you might have been listening to Ryan Turbridy last Tuesday morning. I was the girl on making an appeal for help in finding her real mother and/or father. 40 years ago my mother gave birth to me in a doctors surgery in Carrickmacross. Three days later I was adopted and went on to live in Blanchardstown. I have no idea where I was for the three days. On the third/fourth day I was handed over in the car park of a hotel on the Dublin Road out of Dundalk or Drogheda. On my birth certificate my adopted parents are named as my real parents which clearly is not the case. I have known that I was adopted for as long back as I can remember and this was never a secret only the circums
tances surrounding it were. This was not an uncommon practice in the 50's or 60's but indeed the 70's was quite late for this to be happening. I'm not sure whether it was my birth mother's decision or her family's to give me up. Whichever one it was I am trying to locate her and hitting brick walls. Unfortunately there is no paper trail in this case. I have made a number of local appeals and am now calling on you all to post this on your walls for me in the hope that some of your friends might see it and be able to offer some help. She could be anywhere in the world and I am trying to get my appeal far and wide. All you mothers out there will understand what it's like to be a mother. I want to know desperately where I came from, who I'm like and I want her to know that I'm ok, and that she has two grandchildren that she might like to know. I don't feel any animosity towards her for giving me up and want nothing from her only to know her. If any of you can help in any way I would be very grateful.

Please Contact Laura at: 087-3515726

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