Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Stop the bullying of disabled children

Brett Fletcher

Fighting Human Trafficking

Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Matt 5:4.

Found !!!

BringThem Home shared a link.
Police have no evidence of a crime but that the girls have no history of running away.
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BringThem Home

BringThem Home shared a page: Hasanni Campbell, Still Missing.
Hasanni Campbell was last seen August 10 2009 by his foster parent Louis Ross. so far the police have no leads on the whereabouts of little Hasanni. If you have any information on Hasanni on the whereabouts of where he might be call your local Police Department
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BringThem Home

BringThem Home

BringThem Home shared a link.
It was the Fourth of July and Veterans Day all rolled into one. But for the most part, it was Marine Sgt. Dakota Meyer's Day.