Friday, November 16, 2012

Amber Alert
Amber Alert logo
Missing From: Unknown, MT
Missing Date:  Mountain
Issued for:  Montana: Statewide
Contact:If you have information, please contact Montana Department of Justice, 877-262-3768 or 911
Circumstances: Amber alert being posted in conjunction with British Columbia. Child was abducted by biological father in Elk Valley British Columbia. Vehicle was shown crossing the border in Eureka, Montana at approximately 3:15 this afternoon. Child is believed to be in imminent danger. Do not approach.
Missing Child 
Name: Alvin Barnett
Hair Color: BrownEye Color: Brown
Skin Color: WhiteAge: 3
Height: 3'9Weight: 33
Gender: Male 
Description: Wearing red shirt and blue jeans
Name: Robert Barnett
Hair Color: OtherEye Color: Green
Skin Color: WhiteAge: 
Height: 5'5Weight: 
Gender: Male 
Description: Has scar about right eyebrow. Wearing dark sweater, blue jeans and runners.

Vehicle Information
Make: SubaruModel: Outback
Color: BlueInterior Color: 
License State: License Text: 347SBL
Vehicle Description:Model year is 2002. Plate is a British Columbia plate.

Wisconsin: The Forest County Sheriff's Department is asking for help locating a missing Crandon man, Christopher Leach, age 44, who has been missing since Monday, November 12, 2012. 

The Sheriff's Department says family is very concerned. A photo of Leach and his vehicle are to the left. It's believed Leach is driving a 4-door silver Nissan Frontier truck with a roof rack and black wheels. The license plate number is AK 1756. 

If you see Leach or his vehicle, call the Forest County Sheriff's Department at 715-478-3331. 

Please share his flyer with your friends. A online flyer is a excellent way to get the word out about a missing person. With todays technology it can be viewed literally anywhere. You can also tag your friends to the flyer which is another good way to spread the word quickly about a missing person, (you must “Like” the page it's uploaded on before it will let you tag it).

If you'd like to help in other cases please “Like” my @[212865135400495:274:Missing] page at:

Wisconsin: The Forest County Sheriff's Department is asking for help locating a missing Crandon man, Christopher Leach, age 44, who has been missing since Monda
y, November 12, 2012.

The Sheriff's Department says family is very concerned. A photo of Leach and his vehicle are to the left. It's believed Leach is driving a 4-door silver Nissan Frontier truck with a roof rack and black wheels. The license plate number is AK 1756.

If you see Leach or his vehicle, call the Forest County Sheriff's Department at 715-478-3331.

Please share his flyer with your friends. A online flyer is a excellent way to get the word out about a missing person. With todays technology it can be viewed literally anywhere. You can also tag your friends to the flyer which is another good way to spread the word quickly about a missing person, (you must “Like” the page it's uploaded on before it will let you tag it).

We are very deeply saddened to break through with this breaking news information. The remains found Monday in A Grant County Well, have been 100% verified to be that of Mr Johnson's. Mr. Johnson went missing August 6th 2012. We ARE VERY SAD to break through with this update, that it has been confirmed Daniel Ash Johnson's Body has been found & recovered by Local Police, #PRAYERS.
We are very deeply saddened to break through with this breaking news information. The remains found Monday in A Grant County Well, have been 100% verified to be
 that of Mr Johnson's. Mr. Johnson went missing August 6th 2012. We ARE VERY SAD to break through with this update, that it has been confirmed Daniel Ash Johnson's Body has been found & recovered by Local Police, #PRAYERS.

UPDATE FOUND SAFE: PARKER'S BEEN LOCATED!!! THANK GOD!!! Please respect the family at this time and give them some space. Thank you all for your efforts!

Great news! Glad he was found quickly. If you'd like to help in other cases please “Like” my @[212865135400495:274:Missing] page at:

SOURCE: @[467418646643953:274:Find Parker Hale - Missing 11/13/12]
UPDATE FOUND SAFE: PARKER'S BEEN LOCATED!!! THANK GOD!!! Please respect the family at this time and give them some space. Thank you all for your efforts!

 news! Glad he was found quickly. If you'd like to help in other cases please “Like” my Missing page at:

SOURCE: Find Parker Hale - Missing 11/13/12

♥Please♥ "Like" & share everyone♥ 
Please keep your comments to prayers & support only.
If you have any questions with any Missing Persons Case please refer to the #number# provided with each post, as we cannot answer any questions here except if they have been found or not. Thank you everyone for your constant support because Missing Person's Of Arkansas wouldn't work without YOU, its YOU that gets the word out about these missing/runaway persons, thank you, please share. Head Admin.
♥Please♥ "Like" & share everyone♥
Please keep your comments to prayers & support only.
If you have any questions with any Missing Persons ...

♥Please♥ "Like" & share everyone♥ 
Please keep your comments to prayers & support only.
If you have any questions with any Missing Persons Case please refer to the #number# provided with each post, as we cannot answer any questions here except if they have been found or not. Thank you everyone for your constant support because Missing Person's Of Arkansas wouldn't work without YOU, its YOU that gets the word out about these missing/runaway persons, thank you, please share. Head Admin.
♥Please♥ "Like" & share everyone♥
Please keep your comments to prayers & support only.
If you have any questions with any Missing Persons 
Case please refer to the #number# provided with each post, as we cannot answer any questions here except if they have been found or not. Thank you everyone for your constant support because Missing Person's Of Arkansas wouldn't work without YOU, its YOU that gets the word out about these missing/runaway persons, thank you, please share. Head Admin.

♥Please♥ "Like" & share everyone♥ 
Please keep your comments to prayers & support only.
If you have any questions with any Missing Persons Case please refer to the #number# provided with each post, as we cannot answer any questions here except if they have been found or not. Thank you everyone for your constant support because Missing Person's Of Arkansas wouldn't work without YOU, its YOU that gets the word out about these missing/runaway persons, thank you, please share. Head Admin.
♥Please♥ "Like" & share everyone♥
Please keep your comments to prayers & support only.
If you have any questions with any Missing Persons 
Case please refer to the #number# provided with each post, as we cannot answer any questions here except if they have been found or not. Thank you everyone for your constant support because Missing Person's Of Arkansas wouldn't work without YOU, its YOU that gets the word out about these missing/runaway persons, thank you, please share. Head Admin.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

  • Wilmington, N. C ~ Alma Lawson, 86, has not been seen in almost two weeks. She was last seen walking in the Love Grove community, not far from her home. Detectives said Thursday that the rain hampered the dogs' ability to pick up a scent. They hope to take the dogs back out Friday. Her son reported her missing 12 days ago after she didn't return home from a friend's house.
    Like ·  · 2 minutes ago · 
  • We still need volunteers to print flyers and post them around town! Lets find her alive!!!!

11/15/2012: Please share to help @[222558184447365:274:Seeking TheLost] find Austin Deaton (17) missing from Hazard, Kentucky since 11/11/2012 for his family. Article:  A Leslie County High School student was reported missing this week after visiting with family in Hazard over the weekend. Austin Deaton, 17, was last seen Sunday, Nov. 11 in the Backwoods area of Hazard, according to his aunt, Sarah Collins, also of Leslie County. Collins has custody of Deaton, and said her nephew was visiting his mother near Memorial Gym in Hazard when he told a family member that he was going to walk to his father’s house in Walkertown. No one has seen him since then.

Collins said so far she has had few answers about her nephew’s whereabouts. The Hazard Police Department is working the case and, according to Collins, talked to several people in the area, none of whom recall seeing him.

He was last seen wearing a pair of green cargo shorts and a maroon Leslie County T-shirt with the sleeves cut off. He is 5 feet 6 inches tall with blond hair, blue eyes, and weighs around 150 pounds.

Collins has reached out to many of Deaton’s friends via Facebook, and none reported hearing from him or knowing where he might have been.

“They were all kind of shocked,” said Collins. “They didn’t think he would run away. He never gave them any indication of anything like that.”

Deaton will turn 18 in two weeks, and Collins said this is another reason why she has a hard time believing he would have run away since it is so close to his birthday when he would be considered an adult.

If you have any information about where Deaton may be or have seen him, you are urged to call the Hazard Police Department at (606) 436-2222.

Please like STL to assist with other cases through flyer sharing:

Follow Seeking TheLost on Twitter:

Share flyers on Tumblr:

If your child is missing call the police immediately. Once you have a case number call 1 800 THE LOST to get them listed on the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children's web site. As soon as they are listed send me a PM with the link to their poster and I will feature them. 

Master "Missing Children and Adults" album:

‎11/15/2012: Please share to help Seeking TheLost find Austin Deaton (17) missing from Hazard, Kentucky since 11/11/2012 for his family. Article: A Leslie Coun
ty High School student was reported missing this week after visiting with family in Hazard over the weekend. Austin Deaton, 17, was last seen Sunday, Nov. 11 in the Backwoods area of Hazard, according to his aunt, Sarah Collins, also of Leslie County. Collins has custody of Deaton, and said her nephew was visiting his mother near Memorial Gym in Hazard when he told a family member that he was going to walk to his father’s house in Walkertown. No one has seen him since then.

Collins said so far she has had few answers about her nephew’s whereabouts. The Hazard Police Department is working the case and, according to Collins, talked to several people in the area, none of whom recall seeing him.

He was last seen wearing a pair of green cargo shorts and a maroon Leslie County T-shirt with the sleeves cut off. He is 5 feet 6 inches tall with blond hair, blue eyes, and weighs around 150 pounds.

Collins has reached out to many of Deaton’s friends via Facebook, and none reported hearing from him or knowing where he might have been.

“They were all kind of shocked,” said Collins. “They didn’t think he would run away. He never gave them any indication of anything like that.”

Deaton will turn 18 in two weeks, and Collins said this is another reason why she has a hard time believing he would have run away since it is so close to his birthday when he would be considered an adult.

If you have any information about where Deaton may be or have seen him, you are urged to call the Hazard Police Department at (606) 436-2222.

Please like STL to assist with other cases through flyer sharing:

Follow Seeking TheLost on Twitter:

Share flyers on Tumblr:

If your child is missing call the police immediately. Once you have a case number call 1 800 THE LOST to get them listed on the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children's web site. As soon as they are listed send me a PM with the link to their poster and I will feature them.
ok just so everyone know facebook is messing up bad today and not just for me

It’s been 17 days since Liz Stonger was last seen driving her burgundy Chevrolet Lumina away from the parking lot at Walmart in Belmont where she worked.
The 27-year-old single mother left the store Oct 14 at 1:15 p.m. on her lunch break, waved to a few people, drove away from the store alone and vanished. Her family hasn’t had any communication with her since and says it’s unlike her to just pull up stakes and leave.
Police are baffled by Stonger’s whereabouts and hope someone steps forward with the key that will lead to some answers.
“At this point we don’t have any idea where she’s at,” said Belmont Police Chief Charlie Franklin, who doesn’t suspect foul play in the case at this time.
On the evening she disappeared, her cell phone was used in McDowell County. Since then, there’s been no activity on the phone. Police say she’s conducted no banking business, used no financial cards or any social media including her Facebook account.
‘A real homebody’
 Elizabeth “Liz” Stonger of Lowell is originally from the Syracuse, N.Y., area. She lives with her 2-year-old son and her mother, Deb Grover.
She spoke alongside Liz Stonger’s sister, Amy Stonger, at a press conference at Belmont Police Department on Tuesday afternoon. They said it is uncharacteristic of Liz to drive far away and leave her son behind.
Amy Stonger has left messages for her sister on her Facebook page and is taking the search effort into her own hands, driving around McDowell County hoping to see her or her 1998 Chevrolet.
Grover describes her daughter as “a real homebody.” Amy Stonger said her sister doesn’t go out often and doesn’t have many friends. They said Liz Stonger has faced hardships including unsatisfying wages and the foreclosure of Grover’s home. 
Grover said her daughter doesn’t have a boyfriend or any friends in the area of western North Carolina where the phone activity was detected. The family drove through McDowell County over the summer on a camping trip but didn’t stop there.
“I can’t even see her driving up there,” Amy Stonger said. She can’t believe her sister won’t be around on Halloween to be with her 2-year-old son and says that’s uncharacteristic of her. She didn’t pack a bag in preparation to leave and as cold weather moves in, police say they don’t know if she has shelter.
“It doesn’t look like she prepared to go away. We have no reason to believe that she would,” Grover said.
Concerns about safety
Chief Franklin said the department is working with authorities in the McDowell County area in a collaborative effort to find Stonger. He hopes someone will see her or her Chevrolet and that will help pinpoint her location.
She is 5 foot 3 inches tall, weighs 180 pounds, and has red hair and hazel eyes. Her family said she also has a lot of tattoos.
“My gut tells me that she’s going to come home and I’m going to beat her up when she gets here,” Grover said.
Amy Stonger said she constantly wonders where her sister went, if she’s safe and if she needs help.
The North Carolina license plate on Liz Stonger’s burgundy Chevy is ABC-6609. The paint on the sedan is faded and a “happy bunny” sticker is on the fuel door. There is also a sticker on the rear windshield of a stick figure family that resembles a woman and child skeleton.
Anyone with information on Stonger’s whereabouts is asked to call the Belmont Police Department at 704-825-3792. The investigating officer on the case is Detective A. Buchanon.
It’s been 17 days since Liz Stonger was last seen driving her burgu
ndy Chevrolet Lumina away from the parking lot at Walmart in Belmont where she worked.

The 27-year-old single mother left the store Oct 14 at 1:15 p.m. on her lunch break, waved to a few people, drove away from the store alone and vanished. Her family hasn’t had any communication with her since and says it’s unlike her to just pull up stakes and leave.

Police are baffled by Stonger’s whereabouts and hope someone steps forward with the key that will lead to some answers.

“At this point we don’t have any idea where she’s at,” said Belmont Police Chief Charlie Franklin, who doesn’t suspect foul play in the case at this time.

On the evening she disappeared, her cell phone was used in McDowell County. Since then, there’s been no activity on the phone. Police say she’s conducted no banking business, used no financial cards or any social media including her Facebook account.

‘A real homebody’
Elizabeth “Liz” Stonger of Lowell is originally from the Syracuse, N.Y., area. She lives with her 2-year-old son and her mother, Deb Grover.

She spoke alongside Liz Stonger’s sister, Amy Stonger, at a press conference at Belmont Police Department on Tuesday afternoon. They said it is uncharacteristic of Liz to drive far away and leave her son behind.

Amy Stonger has left messages for her sister on her Facebook page and is taking the search effort into her own hands, driving around McDowell County hoping to see her or her 1998 Chevrolet.

Grover describes her daughter as “a real homebody.” Amy Stonger said her sister doesn’t go out often and doesn’t have many friends. They said Liz Stonger has faced hardships including unsatisfying wages and the foreclosure of Grover’s home.

Grover said her daughter doesn’t have a boyfriend or any friends in the area of western North Carolina where the phone activity was detected. The family drove through McDowell County over the summer on a camping trip but didn’t stop there.

“I can’t even see her driving up there,” Amy Stonger said. She can’t believe her sister won’t be around on Halloween to be with her 2-year-old son and says that’s uncharacteristic of her. She didn’t pack a bag in preparation to leave and as cold weather moves in, police say they don’t know if she has shelter.

“It doesn’t look like she prepared to go away. We have no reason to believe that she would,” Grover said.
Concerns about safety
Chief Franklin said the department is working with authorities in the McDowell County area in a collaborative effort to find Stonger. He hopes someone will see her or her Chevrolet and that will help pinpoint her location.

She is 5 foot 3 inches tall, weighs 180 pounds, and has red hair and hazel eyes. Her family said she also has a lot of tattoos.

“My gut tells me that she’s going to come home and I’m going to beat her up when she gets here,” Grover said.

Amy Stonger said she constantly wonders where her sister went, if she’s safe and if she needs help.

The North Carolina license plate on Liz Stonger’s burgundy Chevy is ABC-6609. The paint on the sedan is faded and a “happy bunny” sticker is on the fuel door. There is also a sticker on the rear windshield of a stick figure family that resembles a woman and child skeleton.

Anyone with information on Stonger’s whereabouts is asked to call the Belmont Police Department at 704-825-3792. The investigating officer on the case is Detective A. Buchanon.

Please share to help find Austin Deaton, age 17, missing from Hazard, Kentucky since 11/11/2012 for his family: A Leslie County High School student was reported missing this week after visiting with family in Hazard over the weekend. Austin Deaton, 17, was last seen Sunday, Nov. 11 in the Backwoods area of Hazard, according to his aunt, Sarah Collins, also of Leslie County. Collins has custody of Deaton, and said her nephew was visiting his mother near Memorial Gym in Hazard when he told a family member that he was going to walk to his father’s house in Walkertown. No one has seen him since then.
Collins said so far she has had few answers about her nephew’s whereabouts. The Hazard Police Department is working the case and, according to Collins, talked to several people in the area, none of whom recall seeing him.
He was last seen wearing a pair of green cargo shorts and a maroon Leslie County T-shirt with the sleeves cut off. He is 5 feet 6 inches tall with blond hair, blue eyes, and weighs around 150 pounds.
Collins has reached out to many of Deaton’s friends via Facebook, and none reported hearing from him or knowing where he might have been.
“They were all kind of shocked,” said Collins. “They didn’t think he would run away. He never gave them any indication of anything like that.”
Deaton will turn 18 in two weeks, and Collins said this is another reason why she has a hard time believing he would have run away since it is so close to his birthday when he would be considered an adult.
If you have any information about where Deaton may be or have seen him, you are urged to call the Hazard Police Department at (606) 436-2222.

Please share to help find Austin Deaton, age 17, missing from Hazard, Kentucky since 11/11/2012 for his family: A Leslie County High School student was reported
 missing this week after visiting with family in Hazard over the weekend. Austin Deaton, 17, was last seen Sunday, Nov. 11 in the Backwoods area of Hazard, according to his aunt, Sarah Collins, also of Leslie County. Collins has custody of Deaton, and said her nephew was visiting his mother near Memorial Gym in Hazard when he told a family member that he was going to walk to his father’s house in Walkertown. No one has seen him since then.

Collins said so far she has had few answers about her nephew’s whereabouts. The Hazard Police Department is working the case and, according to Collins, talked to several people in the area, none of whom recall seeing him.

He was last seen wearing a pair of green cargo shorts and a maroon Leslie County T-shirt with the sleeves cut off. He is 5 feet 6 inches tall with blond hair, blue eyes, and weighs around 150 pounds.

Collins has reached out to many of Deaton’s friends via Facebook, and none reported hearing from him or knowing where he might have been.

“They were all kind of shocked,” said Collins. “They didn’t think he would run away. He never gave them any indication of anything like that.”

Deaton will turn 18 in two weeks, and Collins said this is another reason why she has a hard time believing he would have run away since it is so close to his birthday when he would be considered an adult.

If you have any information about where Deaton may be or have seen him, you are urged to call the Hazard Police Department at (606) 436-2222.



The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children has notified us the follo
wing have been located;
Absalon Vasquez-Vasquez missing from Bradenton, FL

Sha'Cariavonshay Mitchell missing from Tampa, FL

Dalal & Lamia Waked missing from Miami, FL

Dennis Martin missing from Apopka, FL

Kethia Alexis missing from Homestead, FL

Briana Troyer missing from Tacoma, WA

Rachael Stuckey missing from Rising Fawn, GA

Nellie Strebeck missing from Baton Rouge, LA

Moorea Roach missing from Sparks, NV

Christina Hulsey missing from Springfield, OH

Ashley Lewis missing from Lawrenceville, GA

Savannah Harris missing from Lancaster, CA

Brittany Goings missing from Bellevue, NE

Holly Hagan missing from Woodstock, GA

Maggie Butrym missing from Barre, MA

Juliet Benavides missing from Chicago, IL

**As a side note, we don't post the photos of those who have been found as it's requested by NCMEC and federal law to remove any photos of children for privacy**


Nelson Li missing from Philadelphia, PA
Skylar Madigan-Fagan missing from Glendale, AZ
Madison Boutelle missing from Gainesville, GA

‎11/14/2012: Sierra LaMar Case Update: Sierra Still Missing: Morgan Hill, Califo
rnia: The man accused of killing 15-year-old Sierra LaMar of Morgan Hill has been charged in three attempted kidnappings at Safeway stores that left a Northern California community on edge. Investigators linked Antolin Garcia-Torres, 21, to the three 2009 attacks while investigating the LaMar case, the Mercury News of San Jose reported. Garcia-Torres was 17 at the time of the attacks but will be charged as an adult, the newspaper said.

The first incident occurred the evening of March 19, 2009, the Mercury News reported, when a 36-year-old woman told police she noticed a man walking behind her as she left a Safeway on Dunne Avenue in Morgan Hill.

The woman said the man began walking faster as she did, and after she got in her car, he tried to open the driver's side door. She had locked it, however, and drove away.

A few hours later, at another Safeway store about two miles away, a man attacked a 46-year-old woman as she got into her car, hitting her head with his fist and using a stun gun on her head and neck, the newspaper reported. The man ran when a passerby approached the vehicle after hearing the woman's screams.

Police said the suspect apparently got into the vehicle through an unlocked door.

The third attack occurred a week later, back at the Dunne Avenue Safeway, the Mercury News reported. An 18-year-old woman told police that after she parked behind the store, a man got into the back seat of her car. At the time, she was getting a pocket knife from her glove box — protection she carried after hearing of the first two attacks.

The man grabbed the knife, forced the woman's hand to her throat and placed the blade to her neck, the newspaper said. He hit her leg and "made grunting noises," but as soon as the woman screamed, he jumped out of the car and ran.

The string of attacks made some residents afraid to go to the store, the newspaper said, and prompted automated phone alerts from police to "keep residents up to date."

After Garcia-Torres — who used to work at a Safeway in Morgan Hill — was arrested on May 21 this year, investigators said DNA evidence connected him to a March 2009 attack, but did not elaborate on the crime.

Authorities linked Garcia-Torres to LaMar after finding his DNA on the girl's clothes, which were found neatly folded in a bag not far from where she was last seen. The high school cheerleader vanished the morning of March 16 on her way to school.

The teenager's body has not been found, despite extensive searches by both police and volunteers.

To assist with future Amber Alerts and other missing person cases through flyer and picture sharing on Facebook please like Seeking TheLost:

‎11/8/2012: William D. Wilkins (60) missing from Sioux City Iowa since 11/2/2012
 was ▬►LOCATED SAFE on 11/11/2012. Article: A Holdrege family can breath a sigh of relief now that a missing relative has been found. The family was worried about William Wilkins, 60, of South Sioux City, who had been missing since November 2, and was without his medication or cellphone. Wilkins was located Sunday in Russelville, Ark. He is okay, and has been in contact with his family. SOURCE:

To assist with Amber Alerts and missing person cases through flyer sharing please like Seeking TheLost:

Follow Seeking TheLost on Twitter:

Share flyers on Tumblr:

If your child is missing call the police immediately. Once you have a case number call 1 800 THE LOST to get them listed on the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children's web site. As soon as they are listed send me a PM with the link to their poster and I will feature them.

Master "Missing Children and Adults" album:

Previously: 11/8/2012: Please share to find William D. Wilkins (60) missing from Sioux City Iowa since 11/2/2012. Article: Former Holdrege and Bertrand resident Bill Wilkens is missing from his home in Sioux City, Iowa, according to the Holdrege Police Department. Family members are concerned because Wilkens has diabetes and his insulin and cell phone were left at his home. He is due for a refill of insulin but has not picked up his prescription.

Holdrege Police Chief Dennis Damoude says all of Wilkens’ money was removed from his back account through an ATM at a Casey’s convenience store in Sioux City. Police there have not yet determined if Wilkens used the ATM himself or if some else did.
Eric Wilkens of Holdrege is Bill’s son. Eric told the Hub that he is not sure where his father may have been going when he left, but believes he may have been coming to Holdrege for a visit. Eric says his dad answers to “Bill,” “William,” or “B.”

Wilkens’ is six feet tall, 290 pounds with dark brown hair. He wears a hearing aid. His car is a maroon 1997 Pontiac. The license plates are 37-B851. Police are urging the public to notify authorities with any information about Wilkens or his car.

Wilkens moved from Holdrege to Sioux City in August. His daughter Annette Anderson also lives there. Family members started circulating Wilkens’ photo on Facebook a few days ago.

From William's daughter: Please can you help spread the word and help find my dad. He is without his insulin and we are very worried and just need to know he is safe.

Case Type: Non Family Abduction
DOB: Aug 15, 1998 Sex: Female
missing date: Nov 13, 2012 Race: Hispanic
Age Now: 14 Height: 4'11" (150 cm)
missing city: ONTARIO Weight: 110 lbs (50 kg)
missing state : CA Hair Color: Black
missing country: United States Eye Color: Brown
Case Number: NCMC1206029

Circumstances: Andrea was last seen on November 13, 2012. She may be in the company of a male. They may still be in the local area. Andrea has a right cleft lip and a slight indentation in her nose.

National Center for missing & Exploited Children
1-800-843-5678 (1-800-THE-LOST) or the Ontario Police Department (California) 1-909-395-2001

Please share her flyer with your friends. A online flyer is a excellent way to get the word out about a missing person. With todays technology it can be viewed literally anywhere. You can also tag your friends to the flyer which is another good way to spread the word quickly about a missing person, (you must “Like” the page it's uploaded on before it will let you tag it).

Missing: Courtney Jones-Botta
Case: Missing with possible foul play
Nickname: C
ort; Cort Jones
Missing From: Redding, California
Missing Date: August 16, 2012
Race: White Sex: M
Age at time missing: 23 years old
Height: 6’1″
Weight: 155 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Complexion: Medium
Tattoo: On left shoulder is a cross with armor tattoo.
Clothing: Was wearing, or carrying, an unknown color tank top, tight black denim jeans cut off at the knees (shorts) and black shoes.
Police Agency: Redding Police Department at (530) 225-4564
Case Number: 12-60418 NIC #: M030906810

Circumstances: Cort was last seen by his mother entering a residence at 745 Joaquin Way, Redding, CA on August 16, 2012 at approximately 3:00 pm. He was carrying a black and red “Giant” brand bicycle

frame. Approximately one hour later Cort JONES called his mother for a ride home, when she arrived he wasn’t at the location and the resident told her that Cort JONES had left on foot. He hasn’t

been seen since. His mother says she is very concerned because it is out of character for her son to not check in. She is hoping someone comes forward soon with information leading to Courtney’s disappearance.

The last time she spoke with her son was on Aug. 16 when he called her to ask for a ride from a residence on Joaquin Avenue. But when Dietrich arrived at the residence around 20 minutes later, she said could not locate Cort.

Cort Jones is at risk due to suspicious circumstances.