Monday, November 19, 2012

Kimberly Orellana, 12 - Endangered Missing - Falfurrias Texas since August 9 2012 - No Media for this child
Kimberly Orellana, 12 - Endangered Missing - Falfurrias Texas since August 9 2012 - No Media for this child

‎"Come back in a couple months & I'll entertain a motion for her early release."

This is a judge who's ass needs to be kicked off the bench. What a sickening crime :(

Attention Connecticut: Look for Angel Gacia's Billboard from
November 26 - December 02, 2012
Hartford, CT
A special thanks from the family of Angel Garcia and the Team at LostNMissing to:
Mr. Thomas Novinsky and his Team at CBS Outdoor who have graciously donated the billboard, graphics and time to help bring awareness to Angel's continued missing status. Prayers this will bring answers/tips/leads. — with Casey Lostnmissing and 6 others.
Attention Connecticut: Look for Angel Gacia's Billboard from
November 26 - December 02, 2012
Hartford, CT
A special thanks from the family of Angel Garcia and the Team at LostNMissing to:
Mr. Thomas Novinsky and his Team at CBS Outdoor who have graciously donated the billboard, graphics and time to help bring awareness to Angel's continued missing status. Prayers this will bring answers/tips/leads.

Chelsea Lee Ashley - Cymone Stroup - MISSING - 14NOV2012 - Alabama
Alert Information
Category:  Unknown
Status:  Active
Case Number:  1471J
Date Issued:  11/15/2012
Contact Information
Contact:  LT. M. HEATH
Phone:  (334) 361-2500
Alternate Contact:  
Alternate Phone:  
Person Information
Status:  Missing
Gender:  Female
Race:  White
Eye Color:  Hazel
Hair Color:  Blonde or Strawberry
Height:  5'2
Weight:  90 lbs.
Current Age:  14 Year(s)
Age Last Seen:  
Location Last Seen:  MARBURY, Alabama
NCIC Number:  M471047952
Status:  Missing
Gender:  Female
Race:  White
Eye Color:  Blue
Hair Color:  Blonde or Strawberry
Height:  5'6
Weight:  110 lbs.
Current Age:  14 Year(s)
Age Last Seen:  14
Location Last Seen:  MARBURY, Alabama
NCIC Number:  M981048798
Chelsea Lee Ashley - Cymone Stroup - MISSING - 14NOV2012 - Alabama
Alert Information
Category: Unknown
Status: Active
Case Number: 1471J
Date Issued: 11/15/2012
Contact Information
Contact: LT. M. HEATH
Phone: (334) 361-2500
Alternate Contact:
Alternate Phone:

Person Information
Status: Missing
Gender: Female
Race: White
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Blonde or Strawberry
Height: 5'2
Weight: 90 lbs.
Current Age: 14 Year(s)
Age Last Seen:
Location Last Seen: MARBURY, Alabama
NCIC Number: M471047952

Julie Ann Gonzalez 
 @[100000999963469:2048:HelpFind Julie Ann Gonzalez]
Someone has the needed answers. Who? Who has a heart, soul and conscience and will come forward for her family?
Julie Ann Gonzalez
HelpFind Julie Ann Gonzalez
Someone has the needed answers. Who? Who has a heart, soul and conscience and will come forward for her family?

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Lake Placid NY
Missing Wesley Wamsganz 
Do you have info?
Lake Placid NY
Missing Wesley Wamsganz
Do you have info?

Pfc. Kelli Marie Bordeaux
MISSING - North Carolina 
Who has information?
Pfc. Kelli Marie Bordeaux
MISSING - North Carolina
Who has information?

Julie Ann Gonzalez 
 @[100000999963469:2048:HelpFind Julie Ann Gonzalez]
Someone has the needed answers. Who? Who has a heart, soul and conscience and will come forward for her family?
Julie Ann Gonzalez
HelpFind Julie Ann Gonzalez
Someone has the needed answers. Who? Who has a heart, soul and conscience and will come forward for her family?


Bowe Robert Bergdahl (born March 28, 1986, in Sun Valley, Idaho) is a United States Army soldier who has been in the captivity of the Taliban-supporting Afghanistan Haqqani network since June 2009.

Military status and disappearance

Bergdahl was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 501st Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, based at Fort Richardson, Alaska.[4] During his unit's normal deployment rotation to Afghanistan, he went missing on June 30, 2009, near the town of Yahya Khel in the Paktika Province, which is in the south-east of Afghanistan, right on the border to Pakistan. The area in which Bergdahl was captured is right next to Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas.
He is believed to be held by the Haqqani network, an insurgent group affiliated with the Taliban, probably somewhere in Pakistan.[5]
Since then, the Taliban has released five videos showing him in captivity. The Taliban have demanded $1 million[6] and the release of 21 Afghan prisoners and Aafia Siddiqui in exchange for Bergdahl's release. They have threatened to execute Bergdahl if Siddiqui is not released. Most of the Afghan prisoners are being held at Guantanamo Bay.[7][8]
At the time of his capture, Bergdahl's rank was that of Private First Class (E-3). In June 2010, he was promoted to Specialist (E-4) during his absence.[9] On June 17, 2011 he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant (E-5).[10]

On July 18, 2009, the Taliban released a video showing they had captured Bergdahl.[1] In the video, Bergdahl appeared downcast and frightened. A Department of Defense statement issued on July 19 confirmed that Bergdahl was declared "missing/whereabouts unknown" on July 1, and his status was changed to "missing/captured" on July 3.[11]
In the 28-minute video his captors held up his dog tags to establish that the captured man was Bergdahl.[1] Bergdahl gave the date as July 14 and mentioned an attack that occurred that day.[12][13][14]
Accounts of his capture differ. The version offered by Bergdahl, in the video, is that he was captured when he fell behind on a patrol.[1] CNN, in its report, cites both Taliban and U.S. military sources, the former alleging he was ambushed after becoming drunk off base, and the latter denying that claim stating: "The Taliban are known for lying and what they are claiming (is) not true."[3] Other sources said Bergdahl walked off his base after his shift.[15]
A Department of Defense spokesperson, Lieutenant Commander Christine Sidenstricker, said, "I'm glad to see he appears unharmed, but again, this is a Taliban propaganda video. They are exploiting the soldier in violation of international law."[1][2]
According to the Associated Press, General Nabi Mullakheil of the Afghan National Police said the capture occurred in Paktika Province.[1] Their other sources inform them that he was captured by a Taliban group led by Maulvi Sangin, who has moved him to Ghazni Province. The Guardian quoted sources who speculated about the increased difficulty of a rescue mission if Bergdahl had been smuggled across the nearby border into Pakistan.[2]
CNN described two Pashto-language leaflets the U.S. military was distributing in seeking Bergdahl.[3] One showed a smiling GI shaking hands with Afghan children, with a caption that called him a guest in Afghanistan. The other showed a door being broken down, and threatened that those holding Bergdahl would be hunted down.
In December 2009, five months after Bergdahl's disappearance, the media arm of the Afghan Taliban announced the release of a new video of "a U.S. soldier captured in Afghanistan," titled "One of Their People Testified." In the announcement the Taliban did not name the American, but the only U.S. soldier known to be in captivity is Bergdahl.
U.S. military officials have been searching for Bergdahl, but it is not publicly known whether he is even being held in Afghanistan or in neighboring Pakistan, an area off-limits to U.S. forces based in Afghanistan.[16]
On December 25, another video was released that features Bergdahl in a combat uniform and helmet.[17][18] He described his place of birth, deployment to Afghanistan and subsequent capture. He then made several statements regarding his humane treatment by his captors, contrasting this to the abuses suffered by insurgents in prisons. He finished by saying that America should not be in Afghanistan and that its presence there is just another Vietnam.
On April 7, 2010, the Taliban released a third video of Bergdahl, now with a full head of hair and a beard, pleading for the release of Afghan prisoners held at Guantanamo and Bagram.[19][20]
In November 2010, Bergdahl appeared briefly in a fourth video.[21]
In May 2011, Bergdahl appeared briefly in a fifth video.[22]
In December 2011, it was reported that Bergdahl tried to escape three months earlier but was recaptured after three days.[23]
[edit]Threat of reprisal
On February 4, 2010, the Afghan Taliban demanded the release of Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani scientist who was convicted by a U.S. court on charges of attempting to murder U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan, and threatened to execute Bergdahl if their demand was not met.[24][25] The Taliban claimed that members of Siddiqui's family had requested their assistance.
[edit]Reports of joining the Taliban
Fox News reported in August 2010 that a Taliban commander named Haji Nadeem said Bergdahl was helping to train the Taliban in bomb making and infantry tactics. The Pentagon dismissed the reports as Taliban propaganda.[26][27]
[edit]Release efforts
The missing serviceman's fate is tied up in U.S. efforts to broker a peace deal between the Taliban and the Afghan government, a high-level, high-risk diplomatic initiative which appeared to be on the cusp of a breakthrough before the Taliban suspended preliminary talks in March 2012. For months, U.S. negotiators were seeking to arrange the transfer of five Taliban detainees held at Guantanamo Bay military prison to the Gulf state of Qatar. The transfer was intended as one of a series of confidence-building measures designed to open the door to political talks between the Taliban and Afghan President Hamid Karzai's government.[28] That move - at the center of U.S. strategy for ending the long, costly conflict in Afghanistan - was also supposed to lead directly to Bowe's release. The Taliban has consistently called for the United States to release those held at Guantanamo Bay in exchange for freeing Western prisoners. But the Guantanamo transfer proposal, which would have required notification to Congress, ground to a halt when the Taliban rejected U.S. conditions designed to ensure transferred Taliban would not slip away and re-emerge as military leaders. It seems unlikely that any talks will resume until after the conclusion of U.S. presidential election in November 2012.

Contact Elected Officials

(Follow HERE for tips on how to write/call your elected officials.)

Follow the underlined links below to find contact information for your elected officials.

The White House


• Find Your Congressional Members Using Your ZIP Code at Contacting the Congress 

• Official United States Senate Member List

• Official United States House of Representatives Member List

If you know the names of your Senators and Representative, you can call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at 

and ask for your Senators’ and/or Representative’s office. When you are connected, you can leave a message for your Members of Congress.

In the matter of Sergeant Bergdahl, it could also be beneficial to contact members of the appropriate House and Senate Armed Services subcommittees. In this case, your written message has a better chance of reaching your intended recipient if it is sent via mail rather than by email. In the first line of your letter you need to state “I am contacting you because you are a member of the (Senate Armed Services Committee) (House Armed Services Committee).”

• United States Senate Armed Services Committee 
(click on member’s name below to visit site)

Room SR-228, Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-6050

Carl Levin (Michigan) Chairman

John McCain (Arizona) Ranking Member

Check to see if your Senators are serving on the 26 member Senate Armed Services Committee 

Senate Armed Services Committee: Subcommittee on Personnel

Chairman: Jim Webb (Virginia)
Joseph I. Lieberman (Connecticut)
Daniel K. Akaka (Hawaii)C
laire McCaskill (Missouri)
Kay R. Hagan (North Carolina)
Mark Begich (Alaska)
Richard Blumenthal (Connecticut) 
Ranking Member: Lindsey Graham (South Carolina)
Saxby Chambliss (Georgia)
Scott P. Brown (Massachusetts)
Kelly Ayotte (New Hampshire)
Susan M. Collins (Maine)
David Vitter (Louisiana)

• United States House Armed Services Committee

2120 Rayburn House Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4151 
Fax: (202) 225-0858

House Armed Service Committee Chairman: Buck McKeon 

Adam Smith, Ranking Member 

Check to see if your U.S. Representative is serving on the 62 member House Armed Services Committee

House Armed Service Committee: Military Personnel Subcommittee

Joe Wilson, South Carolina Visit Site SUBCOMMITTEE LEADER
Walter B. Jones, North Carolina 
Mike Coffman, Colorado 
Thomas J. Rooney, Florida
Joe Heck, Nevada 
Allen West , Florida 
Austin Scott , Georgia 
Vicky Hartzler, Missouri 
Susan A. Davis, California 
Robert A. Brady, Pennsylvania 
Madeleine Z. Bordallo, Guam 
David Loebsack, Iowa 
Niki Tsongas, Massachusetts 
Chellie Pingree, Maine

Have you seen the petition I started a couple days ago? We need 25,000 signatures by 12-13-1012. If you haven't could you sign and share this for many others to sign? We need to make this official. No other petition on the White House site has made it through because they can never get enough signatures by their deadline. I will play their game and see where it gets me. Here is the link
Bowe Robert Bergdahl (born March 28, 1986, in Sun Valley, Idaho) is a United States Army soldier who has been in the captivity of the Taliban-supporting Afghani
stan Haqqani network since June 2009.

Military status and disappearance

Bergdahl was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 501st Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, based at Fort Richardson, Alaska.[4] During his unit's normal deployment rotation to Afghanistan, he went missing on June 30, 2009, near the town of Yahya Khel in the Paktika Province, which is in the south-east of Afghanistan, right on the border to Pakistan. The area in which Bergdahl was captured is right next to Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas.
He is believed to be held by the Haqqani network, an insurgent group affiliated with the Taliban, probably somewhere in Pakistan.[5]
Since then, the Taliban has released five videos showing him in captivity. The Taliban have demanded $1 million[6] and the release of 21 Afghan prisoners and Aafia Siddiqui in exchange for Bergdahl's release. They have threatened to execute Bergdahl if Siddiqui is not released. Most of the Afghan prisoners are being held at Guantanamo Bay.[7][8]
At the time of his capture, Bergdahl's rank was that of Private First Class (E-3). In June 2010, he was promoted to Specialist (E-4) during his absence.[9] On June 17, 2011 he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant (E-5).[10]

On July 18, 2009, the Taliban released a video showing they had captured Bergdahl.[1] In the video, Bergdahl appeared downcast and frightened. A Department of Defense statement issued on July 19 confirmed that Bergdahl was declared "missing/whereabouts unknown" on July 1, and his status was changed to "missing/captured" on July 3.[11]
In the 28-minute video his captors held up his dog tags to establish that the captured man was Bergdahl.[1] Bergdahl gave the date as July 14 and mentioned an attack that occurred that day.[12][13][14]
Accounts of his capture differ. The version offered by Bergdahl, in the video, is that he was captured when he fell behind on a patrol.[1] CNN, in its report, cites both Taliban and U.S. military sources, the former alleging he was ambushed after becoming drunk off base, and the latter denying that claim stating: "The Taliban are known for lying and what they are claiming (is) not true."[3] Other sources said Bergdahl walked off his base after his shift.[15]
A Department of Defense spokesperson, Lieutenant Commander Christine Sidenstricker, said, "I'm glad to see he appears unharmed, but again, this is a Taliban propaganda video. They are exploiting the soldier in violation of international law."[1][2]
According to the Associated Press, General Nabi Mullakheil of the Afghan National Police said the capture occurred in Paktika Province.[1] Their other sources inform them that he was captured by a Taliban group led by Maulvi Sangin, who has moved him to Ghazni Province. The Guardian quoted sources who speculated about the increased difficulty of a rescue mission if Bergdahl had been smuggled across the nearby border into Pakistan.[2]
CNN described two Pashto-language leaflets the U.S. military was distributing in seeking Bergdahl.[3] One showed a smiling GI shaking hands with Afghan children, with a caption that called him a guest in Afghanistan. The other showed a door being broken down, and threatened that those holding Bergdahl would be hunted down.
In December 2009, five months after Bergdahl's disappearance, the media arm of the Afghan Taliban announced the release of a new video of "a U.S. soldier captured in Afghanistan," titled "One of Their People Testified." In the announcement the Taliban did not name the American, but the only U.S. soldier known to be in captivity is Bergdahl.
U.S. military officials have been searching for Bergdahl, but it is not publicly known whether he is even being held in Afghanistan or in neighboring Pakistan, an area off-limits to U.S. forces based in Afghanistan.[16]
On December 25, another video was released that features Bergdahl in a combat uniform and helmet.[17][18] He described his place of birth, deployment to Afghanistan and subsequent capture. He then made several statements regarding his humane treatment by his captors, contrasting this to the abuses suffered by insurgents in prisons. He finished by saying that America should not be in Afghanistan and that its presence there is just another Vietnam.
On April 7, 2010, the Taliban released a third video of Bergdahl, now with a full head of hair and a beard, pleading for the release of Afghan prisoners held at Guantanamo and Bagram.[19][20]
In November 2010, Bergdahl appeared briefly in a fourth video.[21]
In May 2011, Bergdahl appeared briefly in a fifth video.[22]
In December 2011, it was reported that Bergdahl tried to escape three months earlier but was recaptured after three days.[23]
[edit]Threat of reprisal
On February 4, 2010, the Afghan Taliban demanded the release of Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani scientist who was convicted by a U.S. court on charges of attempting to murder U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan, and threatened to execute Bergdahl if their demand was not met.[24][25] The Taliban claimed that members of Siddiqui's family had requested their assistance.
[edit]Reports of joining the Taliban
Fox News reported in August 2010 that a Taliban commander named Haji Nadeem said Bergdahl was helping to train the Taliban in bomb making and infantry tactics. The Pentagon dismissed the reports as Taliban propaganda.[26][27]
[edit]Release efforts
The missing serviceman's fate is tied up in U.S. efforts to broker a peace deal between the Taliban and the Afghan government, a high-level, high-risk diplomatic initiative which appeared to be on the cusp of a breakthrough before the Taliban suspended preliminary talks in March 2012. For months, U.S. negotiators were seeking to arrange the transfer of five Taliban detainees held at Guantanamo Bay military prison to the Gulf state of Qatar. The transfer was intended as one of a series of confidence-building measures designed to open the door to political talks between the Taliban and Afghan President Hamid Karzai's government.[28] That move - at the center of U.S. strategy for ending the long, costly conflict in Afghanistan - was also supposed to lead directly to Bowe's release. The Taliban has consistently called for the United States to release those held at Guantanamo Bay in exchange for freeing Western prisoners. But the Guantanamo transfer proposal, which would have required notification to Congress, ground to a halt when the Taliban rejected U.S. conditions designed to ensure transferred Taliban would not slip away and re-emerge as military leaders. It seems unlikely that any talks will resume until after the conclusion of U.S. presidential election in November 2012.

Contact Elected Officials

William 'Billy" Smolinski - Waterbury, CT - August 24, 2004
William 'Billy" Smolinski - Waterbury, CT - August 24, 2004

Confirmed through family. The body found has been confirmed as Missing Samantha McNorton age 28 of Sunset, Texas. R.I.P Samantha Our prayers and thoughts are with her family and friends.
Confirmed through family. The body found has been confirmed as Missing Samantha McNorton age 28 of Sunset, Texas. R.I.P Samantha Our prayers and thoughts are with her family and friends.

Confirmed through family ~ The Body found has been Id'ed as Samantha McNorton Missing from Sunset.

  • Paul Dixon likes this.
  • Betty Greenwell that is soooo sad . my heart goes out to the family & friends may god bless & give them strength to get through the dark days ahead ....


The ATHENS POLICE DEPARTMENT is searching for THURL WESLEY HATTON, diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, WM, 88 years old, DOB 06/18/1925, HEIGHT 5’11”, WEIGHT 135 lbs, GRAY Hair, BROWN Eyes, WEARING BLUE/WHITE CHECKERED SHIRT AND KHAKI PANTS.
The senior citizen was last seen at 10:00 PM, 11/17/2012 IN ATHENS, TX, driving a WHITE, 2010 LINCOLN MKZ with TX License Plate CC4G665.

Law enforcement officials believe this senior citizen’s disappearance poses a credible threat to HIS/HER own health and safety.
If you have any information regarding this missing senior citizen, contact the ATHENS POLICE DEPARTMENT AT 903-675-5454.
News Media Point of Contact is ATHENS POLICE DEPARTMENT AT 903-675-5454.



The ATHENS POLICE DEPARTMENT is searching for THURL WESLEY HATTON, diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, WM, 88 years old, DOB 06/18/1925, HEIGHT 5’11”, WEIGHT 135 lbs, GRAY Hair, BROWN Eyes, WEARING BLUE/WHITE CHECKERED SHIRT AND KHAKI PANTS.

The senior citizen was last seen at 10:00 PM, 11/17/2012 IN ATHENS, TX, driving a WHITE, 2010 LINCOLN MKZ with TX License Plate CC4G665.

Law enforcement officials believe this senior citizen’s disappearance poses a credible threat to HIS/HER own health and safety.

If you have any information regarding this missing senior citizen, contact the ATHENS POLICE DEPARTMENT AT 903-675-5454.

News Media Point of Contact is ATHENS POLICE DEPARTMENT AT 903-675-5454.

Please, ALL facebook friends: PLEASE, PLEASE REPOST THIS PICTURE! This is my 16 year old sister, she has been missing since 10/17/2012, we have heard she may be in California, Arizona, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Texas, Louisianna, North Carolina or Idaho (Nampa maybe Boise), we need to get this picture to all states! It is said that 1 in 7 kids are found by picture recognition, I do believe she is in danger, Please help. If you see her call 1-800-786-2929.
Please, ALL facebook friends: PLEASE, PLEASE REPOST THIS PICTURE! This is my 16 year old sister, she has been missing since 10/17/2012, we have heard she may be
 in California, Arizona, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Texas, Louisianna, North Carolina or Idaho (Nampa maybe Boise), we need to get this picture to all states! It is said that 1 in 7 kids are found by picture recognition, I do believe she is in danger, Please help. If you see her call 1-800-786-2929.

‎14 Years ago today a woman named Peggy Carr was recovered in a wooded area in Bladen County, NC, after being abducted in broad daylight and murdered by two men on a crime spree. This case was a landmark case for the CUE Center for Missing Persons. We lift her loved ones up today, we will never forget!

UPDATE: CANCELLED Amber Alert Jamiah Miller HAS BEEN found safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SEFFNER --Authorities are asking for the public's assistance in finding a missing endangered man from Seffner.
According to the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office, Peterson Jacques, 23, has been missing since last night.
He is described as black, 6-foot tall and 170 pounds with short black hair. He was last seen wearing a brown shirt, gray pants and sneakers.
He is known to carry a knapsack with him and is always whistling, authorities said.
According his mother, Jacques has no friends, no vehicle and no cell phone and could be a danger to himself. The mother also told detectives Jacques has been acting confused for the last few months and that he likes to bathe in retention ponds even though he does not know how to swim.
Anyone with any information about Jacques is asked to call the sheriff's office at 813-247-8200.
SEFFNER --Authorities are asking for the public's assistance in finding a m
issing endangered man from Seffner.

According to the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office, Peterson Jacques, 23, has been missing since last night.

He is described as black, 6-foot tall and 170 pounds with short black hair. He was last seen wearing a brown shirt, gray pants and sneakers.

He is known to carry a knapsack with him and is always whistling, authorities said.

According his mother, Jacques has no friends, no vehicle and no cell phone and could be a danger to himself. The mother also told detectives Jacques has been acting confused for the last few months and that he likes to bathe in retention ponds even though he does not know how to swim.

Anyone with any information about Jacques is asked to call the sheriff's office at 813-247-8200.

Crystal Morrison Prentice, a single mom,  walked away from her Concord job and disappeared, and her family still is working hard to find her.

Prentice, 31, left her job at Connextions Recruiting at 4601 Corporate Drive Northwest No. 115, Concord, on Aug. 23 and started walking down International Drive NW and then east on Davidson Highway.

Investigators say she was at her desk for less than an hour before she called a family friend, said she wasn’t feeling well and asked the person to pick her up.

She then left the building before the friend arrived.

Her sister said it was odd Crystal left after giving the friend specific directions to her workplace.

Things get odder after that.

Concord Police Department Major Gary Hatley said she was last seen walking down Davidson Highway near Concord Christian Church. The distance between Connextions and the church is 2.2 miles, and Prentice has asthma that requires a daily inhaler.

Police say they don’t know why she was walking down the road, and they are still following clues in the case.

There has been no activity on Prentice’s bank or credit cards, he said.

Police have searched the area where she was last seen several times and have followed up on more than 100 tips but haven’t made any major breakthroughs.  

Prentice is about 5 feet 2 inches tall and weighs 100 pounds. She has blonde and red hair, blue eyes, wears contacts and has piercings in her ears. She has her son's name, "Kyson," tattooed on the back of her neck.

When Prentice left work, she was wearing a white blouse with black flower print, black dress pants, black open-toe high-heel dress shoes and had her black purse and ID with her. She has a cell phone, but did not have it with her the day she disappeared.

She wears silver jewelry and may be wearing silver rings on both hands and a silver necklace with a three-tier pendant with single diamond.

She requires daily medication and an inhaler for her asthma.
Crystal Morrison Prentice, a single mom, walked away from her Concord job and disappeared, and her family still is working hard to find her.

rentice, 31, left her job at Connextions Recruiting at 4601 Corporate Drive Northwest No. 115, Concord, on Aug. 23 and started walking down International Drive NW and then east on Davidson Highway.

Investigators say she was at her desk for less than an hour before she called a family friend, said she wasn’t feeling well and asked the person to pick her up.

She then left the building before the friend arrived.

Her sister said it was odd Crystal left after giving the friend specific directions to her workplace.

Things get odder after that.

Concord Police Department Major Gary Hatley said she was last seen walking down Davidson Highway near Concord Christian Church. The distance between Connextions and the church is 2.2 miles, and Prentice has asthma that requires a daily inhaler.

Police say they don’t know why she was walking down the road, and they are still following clues in the case.

There has been no activity on Prentice’s bank or credit cards, he said.

Police have searched the area where she was last seen several times and have followed up on more than 100 tips but haven’t made any major breakthroughs.

Prentice is about 5 feet 2 inches tall and weighs 100 pounds. She has blonde and red hair, blue eyes, wears contacts and has piercings in her ears. She has her son's name, "Kyson," tattooed on the back of her neck.

When Prentice left work, she was wearing a white blouse with black flower print, black dress pants, black open-toe high-heel dress shoes and had her black purse and ID with her. She has a cell phone, but did not have it with her the day she disappeared.

She wears silver jewelry and may be wearing silver rings on both hands and a silver necklace with a three-tier pendant with single diamond.

She requires daily medication and an inhaler for her asthma.

This news clip is from 8/2011 But we still wonder where Derrick is, Some one knows and I wished they would come forward and tell us the info we need to bring him home.

Derrick's new cover photo, I hope it looks good and everyone likes it....
Derrick's new cover photo, I hope it looks good and everyone likes it....
The reward is 5,000.00 please help bring Derrick home..